Blencowe Families' Association Newsletter | Volume 1 Number 4 June 1986 |
Published by Blincoe Newspress
President: Edward I Blincoe
Editor: Helen Blincoe Simpson
October 28, 1986
Our current list of BLINCOE - BLENCOWE - BLENCOW - BLENKO "relatives" number about 200. Face to face or on the phone, I've visited with 60 on the list and hope to make it more. This letter is going to those of you that; (1) have responded directly to our previous letters; (2) have been referred by a family member and /or for whom somebody has made a Gift contribution; (3)families who have been brought to our attention since our last letter, July, 1986. It's more than a little confusing for Helen to keep track of all of this in spite of using a computer since some of you have sent names but no addresses, some names but no money, etc. Elsewhere in this letter, you'll see a list of names, addresses and identifiaction numbers to whom this letter is going. We want to correspond with as many Blincoe relations as possible but we do need some direct contact with them. by Ed(44)
This is our fourth newsletter. It is a clean-up, end of the year issue to bring you some statistics and information about YOUR newsletter. I am gradually changing the format to make it more readable and visually interesting, I hope. With this issue, We will start having some items which will be standard for each issue. However, we do need input from all of you readers out there.
As suggested by one of the readers, I am leaving enough margin on the left for holes for a notebook. Thanks to those of you who have sent your family history, addresses of other members of the family, stories of ancestors, and articles of interest on -how you are involved in your community. We are still sorting through much of this, and plan to include it in future issues as space is available. When we first started, we had no idea we would find as many Blincoe-Blencowes as we have. This has made it more interesting as well as more time consuming than we ever imagined. Keep it up! We love it!
This column will be for YOU to send ME notices of Births, Marriages, Anniversaries, Deaths, etal.
Ed Blincoe, Jr., alias Ed O'Brien, plays the part of the District Attorney in "Prison of Children" and the part of Conly Elms in "Outlaw", two CBS movies to be aired this fall. Watch for him.
["OUTLAW" was called "Manhunt For Claude Dallas" when it aired on Oct. 28. Ed was one of the wardens]
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updated: 25 January 2003