Blencowe Families' Association Newsletter Volume 2 Number 1 Winter 1987

Published by Blincoe Newspress
President: Edward I Blincoe
Editor: Helen Blincoe Simpson
February 28, 1987

A fringe benefit of being the Editor of these letters were the Christmas Cards I received from across the U.S. What fun! A belated Merry Christmas to all of you! I appreciate those of you who took the time to inform us of the status of some of those mentioned in the "Lost" Column. We are still looking for new people to receive the letter. If you send me new names and addresses, I will send them a sample copy of the letter.

* * A gold star goes to Noel Blincoe for sending in FIVE gift subscriptions. * *


Vivian Blincoe, wife of Ray Blincoe of Monterey.


"I never looked up our family tree as I thought I'd end up just being the sap of it." [I loved this original one!] .

"Thoroughly enjoyed your letters! Always have wanted to know more about the Blincoe genealogy and my husband could not tell me a thing. My husband farms here in Bardstown as his father (Cam) did before him. I am sending $... Please keep sending your extremely interesting letters and hope to learn how the Blincoes came to Kentucky!"
Mrs Daniel S. Blincoe (23)
[See Don's article on the Cumberland gap in this issue]

19 Nov 1986 Canby CA
"Recently I made a visit to my sister, Daisy Blincoe, in Sebastapol, CA. She mentioned that you write a Newsletter on the Blincoe Family. I, too, am interested in the origins of the Blincoe Family. I am the eldest son of Emmett, Jr of Sebastopol and grandson of the late Emmett, Sr of San Francisco (originally from Pratt City)."
Benn Blincoe (317)
[Ed's Note: Pratt City is Pratt, KS. Only ref to Pratt located thus far - 1910 Fed Census; Blincoe Joseph, age 59, living alone, born in Virginia]

29 Jul 1986 Louisville, KY
"Will be forwarding info on my Congratulations! generation, as my father's generation has all passed on, soon. Thank you."
Ben Blincoe (8)
[Ed's Note: We're waiting, Ben]

15 Nov 1985 Stockton, CA
"I forwarded said letter to two of my sisters that are married and my brother, who all live in California."
Earl Blincoe (51)
(Ed's note: Please tell us again if you told us the first time, the names and addresses of your brother and sisters and their family information.


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updated: 26 January 2003