Blencowe Families' Association Newsletter Volume 2 Number 2 July 1987




The time is growing closer when we shall gather together and trade stories, see what other Blincoes look like, and just have a mini-vacation.

We will be sending another letter out before the ingathering to all who are planning to attend. Needless to say, the sooner you can get your reservations in - the easier it will be for us.


Donald Blincoe, our guest editor, plans to lead a workshop or discussion of the early history of Virginia particularly as it relates to Blincoes.

Juilian Blincoe is planning "Historical Locations in Virginia", If among your memorablia you have any reference to any places in Virginia - births, marriages, deaths, etc. - please send the information to Julien, He plans to have a master map and will pinpoint references.
Jullian Blincoe, Arlington, VA

There is a rumor that the "Blincoe Band" of Louisville will bring their instruments and play for us.


We plan to have the charts we have been working with enlarged, at the ingathering. It would be fun if everyone would bring or send photographs. We could then post them with the appropriate chart. Thus we could see resemblances! etc


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updated: 28 January 2003