Blencowe Families' Association Newsletter Volume 3 Number 1 February 1988


We promised a summary of the ingathering last fall for the next newsletter. I expect you think by now we have thrown in the towel. Rest assured - the letter is alive and well. The holiday season got in between 'good intentions' and 'following through'.

From all indications, everyone had a good time in Xanassas and Blincoes came from far and wide. New York to Florida, Georgia to California. Several researchers arrived on Thursday and on Friday they could be found at the Court Houses and Libraries in the area. They all agreed there was too much research available and not enough time or seekers. Others took inthe sights in Washington, D.C. and the Xanassas Battlefield. Saturday morning was a sharing time with people putting out pictures and articles, etc. We were unable to get into the conference room assigned to us until quite late in the morning but we all got to work and set it up and talked, talked, talked.

After lunch, there were several speakers who told of some special interest or research they had been doing.

Ed Blincoe welcomed everyone and told of the aims and goals of the newsletter and the research behind it.

Ben Blincoe helped sell souvenir coffee mugs and raffle tickets for a coat of arms.

Helen Blincoe Simpson told a little of the computer program she is using and had many printouts available for viewing. Her thanks to all who were able to find errors and thus get the information corrected. [I'm still working on it)

Bob Simpson took pictures and recorded the talks on a camcorder. He had each of us walk by, introduce themselves and tell where we lived. (His observation - "The one thing the Blincoes have in common is that they like to talk:" I take it as a compliment, I hope you will.)


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updated: 31 January 2003