Blencowe Families' Association Newsletter Volume 9 Number 4 December 1994

Editor's Letter

Dear Cousins,

Hubby Bob wrote such a great poem for our Christmas letter, I have to include you in our greetings. l know it has no genealogical importance but that is an editor's privilege.

Thank you for your Christmas cards and interest in Bob's and my trip "down-under". We had a great time. Although we were on tour, with five of our friends with us, we had our own mini-group. Maurine Work met us for dinner and gave us a lovely evening tour of Adelaide. We talked to Frank Whillans in Melbourne but were too exhausted from a day of sightseeing to accept his kind invitation to his daughter's 21st birthday party.

I had a letter from Frank waiting when 1 returned home. See his article on this page pertaining to redundant research. This has come up before when different people find the information which had already been unlocked by others. There is never enough time to adequately "work" the database and make all the connections. I am open to suggestions.

Mary and Marshall Blincoe have an interesting idea. As we get more aware of the genetic factors in our health picture, we would be helped by knowing others with the same problems. They suggest we could include this in the database. Would someone like to draw up a questionairre/form for this kind of information about us and our ancestors, cousins, etc. ?

The article from Jack Blencowe on the Sikhwar is a little side light on history. He has sent me several articles which I am glad to have. Thank you, Jack.

This newsletter will be a little light because we were tryng to get it out after the Christmas rush and still beat the postage hike. (We have already missed that goal!) Which brings me to next point, the letters are sent without the stiff covers in order to avoid raising the membership dues. The covers added a lot to the looks (in our opinion) but they have become too expensive weight-wise.

Happy New Year, Helen


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updated: 17 January 2003