Blencowe Families' Association Newsletter Vol. 19 No. 1 March 2004


Condolences to Jenny Coulson whose mother Dorothy passed away last October at the age of seventy-two. She was a grand-daughter of George Blinco (1869-1901) whose great-grandfather Henry Blinker died at Barrow in Suffolk in 1816.

Congratulations! To Christopher and Alex Blincoe on the birth of their son Archie Thomas on 17 November 2003. Archie is a grandson of Julian Blincoe of Sowerby Bridge and is seven generations down from Robert Blincoe whose trials and tribulations in the textile mills of northern England were recounted in our book by Edward, Archie’s great-uncle.

Also to Frances Blaine Blencowe of Kilmarnock VA on her ninetieth birthday last August. The celebrations with family and friends lasted more than a month! Frances also enjoyed the wedding of her grandson John in November. Frances’ family is the American branch of the tree illustrating the note about Angela Blencowe’s hundredth birthday featured in our last newsletter.

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Blencowe Families' Association   Vol. 19 No. 1 March 2004
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updated: 26 April 2004