Blencowe Families' Association Newsletter Vol. 20 No. 2 June 2005

More about DNA:
A Proposal to use Association Funds to Extend the DNA Survey

The Association has some £800 in its English bank account and something near $1,000 in USA. The current membership subscriptions cover the cost of producing and mailing the newsletter and financing our website. Indeed, excepting the American local mailing costs, the English account has paid for all newsletter costs without need for dollar transfers from America.

The surplus funds in UK have arisen because, even with a mark-up of only 10%, we have recovered the cost of publishing the Blencowe book and current sales add £13.50 per copy to our account. Additionally, I received 25 copies of the cookbook as ‘editor's perks’ and most of these are being sold for the profit of the Association.

I propose that we use some of our surplus funds to extend our DNA survey.

Results so far have shown that the Blincoe descendants of the ‘Immigrant James’ share identical male chromosomes with the Blencowes of Virginia whose descent from Adam de Blencow can be traced ‘on paper’. The same goes for the Sussex Blencowes and we have recently found that the latter are of the same family as ‘George the Inventor’ whose Essex family links back through London to Marston St Lawrence. The large Blinco group that was located originally around Slough and Windsor also descend in unbroken male line from Adam de B.

The Blencowes and Blincows of Northants and Nebraska, who descend from John Blencowe the Parish Clerk of Whilton, have a different male chromosome indicating a birth out-of-wedlock some time before 1660. Similarly the Blencoes who emigrated from Gawcott to New York State and Wisconsin have a break in the male line. Descendants of the Foundling Robert Blincoe are different again.

I would propose that we seek samples from, and pay for the test of, a member of some or all of the following groups:

I would also like Velda Blencowe to persuade her brother to submit a sample; their grandfather David emigrated to the Caribbean from Scotland and might be a descendant of the original northern line of the family.

I have asked those attending the Dayton Reunion to talk this over and let me opinions.

I would also welcome comments and suggestions from readers.

old line
Blencowe Families' Association   Vol. 20 No. 2 June 2005
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updated: 23 August 2005