Blencowe Families’ Association Newsletter Vol. 22 No. 3 August 2007

Letter from the Editor

Dear Cousins,

A very successful reunion has been held in England and our thanks must go to Peter Blencowe for making it happen. Others who contributed to the memorable event were Susanna Sitwell and daughter, Henrietta, Tina Stapley, Rupert Blencowe and Marjorie Scurko. I am sure many others are also deserving of our gratitude.

Jack and Peter have put together a collection of photographs of the occasion and these will be available to all members with the next newsletter. Could you please let your newsletter distributor, Peter, Allen or myself know if you'd like a CD-Rom or DVD of the photos.

It appears that many of the folk attending also spent time in the area visiting the specific villages that their branch of the family came from. Several also made the trip to Blencow Hall in Cumbria. I invite you to share your experiences with us.

The Port Macquarie Reunion information has been updated on and will continue to be updated as the reunion approaches. It is time to book accommodation.

Please keep your articles coming in: I appreciate your contribution.

Anne Burton
August 2007
editor @

updated: 24 October 2007