Blencowe Families' Association 25th Anniversary

Jack Blencowe cutting cake

Jack Blencowe cutting the cake

The Blincoe Families' Association was formed 25 years ago in the USA. It stemmed from the desire of Helen Blincoe Simpson and her brother, Edward Blincoe to make contact with long lost relatives in October 1985. You can read the history in the newsletter, Vol: 21 No: 3 Nov. 2006.

25th Anniversary Cake

Jack Blencowe has been the pillar behind the association since 1990, making it a viable family association, the envy of many other families. Our history is well researched, documented and stored in a safe but accessible form. As Guest of Honour, Jack was invited to cut the 25th Blencowe Families' Association's Anniversary cake on the Sunday afternoon at the Tea Party in the ambient gardens of Blencowe Hall.