A mystery for you to solve
Paul Herold wrote, "I inherited an old bible (Elizabethan dated 1597) in which the name, "Nathll: Blencow Eius Liber (His Book) Ex Dono:( By Gift of) Mrs Ann Blencow of Haw's in ye county of Northamton" are inscribed but no dates. They are followed by "Benjamin Lamprey his Book 1709".

At the back of the book "Henry Staples Ano domin (In the year of) 1722

"I am obviously no relation but I was wondering if this information is useful to you and where is Haws?"
A few of us have pondered the question and Mike Walton examined the handwriting and translated the Latin and our thoughts were forwarded to Paul Herold who replied, "Your members highlighted the challenges of identifying the correct people. I hadn't realised that, as one person pointed out, that family names were recorded differently for siblings as standardised spelling just didn't exist then.
Of course the mysteries that remain include who owned the bible prior to the Blencow family, how did it pass to Lamprey and when and how did my father's uncle, the Reverend John Herold obtain it? There is a possibility it may have belonged to his housekeeper of many years, a Miss Bottle, who had a fascinating life in her own right, having been an army school mistress in Egypt and the West Indies during the early 20th century and first Guide Commissioner of Jamaica."
Well readers over to you. Look closely at the photos; remember we are looking at identifying probably a mother and son combination of Nathe and Ann from sometime between 1597 and 1709. Nathe is usually the shortened form of Nathaniel, a common name for our early Blencowes.
I have identified 3 possible combinations but will contribute these along with your findings next time. Have you any ideas on Haws? Do Paul Lamprey, Henry Staples or even Miss Bottle feature in your family history?
Email your thoughts or findings to Anne editor @ blencowefamilies.com