Adam de Blencow

Even our earliest named Blencowe ancestor possibly had the odd flaw to his character.

On 9th February, 1357 Adam was granted a pardon for all "homicides, felonies, robberies, larcenies, oppressions, extortions, excesses, conspiracies, confederacies, champerties, murders, receiving of felons, and other trespasses" that had or would occur before 3rd March 1358.

NB the dates gave him almost a month to commit those crimes if he hadn't already!

Only 15 days later Adam received his Arms from William Baron of Greystoke.

There is an old saying, 'God gave us relatives (and ancestors); thank God we can choose our friends.'

Ref. The Blencowe Chapter in Constantine, Cornwall to Adelaide, South Australia by Maurine Work 1986