Blencowe Families’ Association Newsletter | Vol. 24 No. 2 May 2009 |
Dear Cousins,
When I mentioned extreme weather conditions in my last edition, I was concerned about the build up of very dry heat in parts of southern Australia in contrast to flooding rains in Queensland. However, within hours of the newsletter being printed parts of Victoria were enveloped with fire that was beyond most peoples' imagination.
On behalf of all our Australian members, particularly those from Victoria, I wish to thank the many overseas members who expressed concern for members who may have been in the fire zone. The events of that catastrophe have had a deep effect on us all and many will have known people who were affected. Two of our families were a little close for comfort and Ian and Jean Blencowe spent a lot of anxious hours making sure their property was free from any combustible leaf litter etc. Carol and Godfrey Buswell live in a suburb that lost homes but they were lucky. All of this as they prepared to travel to Queensland to help their children clean up after flooding in Townsville.
We had at least two Blencowes who were involved in the Emergency Services that worked tirelessly for weeks in most unpleasant circumstances.
We have had a number of DNA tests returned. Many have linked various branches back to the early family. Jack Blencowe will write about each successful match in forthcoming newsletters and meanwhile he has made a chart showing where each ‘lot’ fits in. This chart is too awkward to print but is available from Jack or myself to send by email or post.
Our newsletter attracts a lot of serious topics and these are enjoyed by a wide range of readers. I would like to also receive some light hearted pieces and snippets of general family interest. It is your newsletter but I do need a continual supply of material. I often hold articles over for a while to keep a balance of topics. The ideal size is somewhere between 200 and 1,000 words though I will print much longer articles.
Although I have moved house, the address on the back page will not take effect until June. Those Australians receiving renewal notices please use the old address on the notice until then.
I hope you have all had a Happy Easter.
Anne Burton
April 2009
editor @
Blencowe Families’ Association | Newsletter Archive | Vol. 24 No. 2 May 2009 |