Blencowe Families’ Association Newsletter | Vol. 25 No. 1 February 2010 |
What is interesting is that the information provides a date of death for both John Blencow
(eldest son of Sir Henry) and his daughter Elizabeth who married Henry Thompson.
Only approximate dates are given for these events in the Blencowe Book.
*Note that in those times the year started on March 25 not January 1 as nowadays. Thus the years written below as 1630 and 1651 we would regard as 1631 and 1652 respectively.
Year 1630 Obiit primo die Januarii Johannes Blencow armiger filius primogenitus Henrici Blencow de Blencow in comitatu Cumbrie aequitis aurati
1630/1* Died the first day of January, John Blencow, esquire, the first born son of Henry Blencow of Blencow in the county of Cumberland, Knight (literally ìgilded riderî).
1645 Obiit XI die Novembris Anna nuper uxor Gulielmi Vavasour huius villae Weston armigeri filia et sola haeres Ricardi Tolson de Cockermouth armiger
1645 Died the 11th day of November Anne, formerly the wife of William Vavasour of this town of Weston esquire, daughter and sole heir of Richard Tolson of Cockermouth esquire .
1651 Obiit 16 die Martii Elizabetha nuper uxor charissima Henrici Thompson de Doncaster generosi una filiarum et cohaeredium praedicti Johannis
1651/2* Died the 16th day of March, Elizabeth formerly the most beloved wife of Henry Thomson of Doncaster gentleman one of the daughters and co-heirs of the aforesaid John.
Et hic Expectantes sonu novissimae Tubae Jesumque Jesum una Requiescunt
I am unsure of how best to translate this phrase. But the meaning is along the lines of, And herein they rest together awaiting the sound of the very last trumpet and Jesus.
Posuit pietatis ergo Memoriae Sacrum illius Elizabethae Henricus praedictus maritus eius moestissimus ex qua suscepit quatuor filios tresque filias superstites solum tres Gulielmus Elizabetha et Henricus
Henry her aforesaid most sorrowful husband erected through deep affection therefore the memorial sacred to that Elizabeth from whom he begot 4 sons and 3 daughters, only 3 surviving — William, Elizabeth and Henry.
Mike Walton
Blencowe Families’ Association | Newsletter Archive | Vol. 25 No. 1 February 2010 |