Blencowe Family Mini-Reunion in the UK

Noon on Sunday 19th June 2011 at Walderton

The plan is to offer lunch and tea to all members living nearby and/or those who would like to join us. Blencowe memorabilia, reunion CDs, family books, and the original portraits of Sir John and Lady Anne will all be on show, along with other portraits. Other Blencowe CDs and booklets will be on sale. This will also be an opportunity to meet others who were at the Blencowe Hall reunion last year or Marston St Lawrence/Oxford in 2007. Please bring any family items that might be of interest.

Peter Blencowe

With the reunion focus on Peter's home and his family memorabilia I think it appropriate to include the following on his direct ancestors, Sir John and Lady Anne's father, Dr John Wallis. I am sure you will agree that to find an 2008 article on your ancestor from the 1600's shows just how broad the talents of Dr Wallis were in the modern world of scientific thought. A full and interesting history on the deaf child Alexander Popham is available from Peter and me courtesy of Douglas Bain.
