Letter from the Editor

Dear Cousins,

This has certainly been a significant year for our English members with the euphoria of the Queens Jubilee followed by the Olympic Games. The Games began with a magnificent Opening Ceremony highlighting the heritage of all our readers and now, after an initial cause for concern, a prolific gold rush that has silenced the members in the southern colonies!

Blencowe Reunion: I am pleased to announce that the Reunion in Perth, Western Australia will go ahead and Alan and Bronwyn Blencowe are looking forward to hosting as many of you as possible. They would like you to book soon so they can finalise arrangements and it is in your interest to secure accommodation as soon as possible. We thank Alan and Bronwyn for organising this event and wish them and all who attend a wonderful time.

Subscription Time: For members in the UK, USA and Canada and some Australians & New Zealanders it is time to renew your Blencowe Families' Association membership. With a recent rise in postage in the UK, we have no choice but to raise UK subscriptions to 6 per year. If you live elsewhere, but receive your newsletter from England, your subscription will go up to 7. At this stage USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand will remain at $10 in their local currency. Consider a Gift Subscription for a relative. When paying your subscription, please also include your email address.

Our Notable Blencowe in this issue is Robert Blincoe. I have been sitting on this article for sometime and my file just kept getting bigger and more complex. As it is, I have left out several aspects of his story. Chapter 19 of The Book, pages 329—336 covers Robert's life more extensively. There is plenty of follow up information on the net and I recommend you read Grandad? Is that You?, an article by Nicholas Blincoe — the link is on page 5.

I have enjoyed producing the newsletter for 6 years and feel that it is time for someone else to take over. A different editor would bring fresh ideas to the publication. Although technology is bringing a new aspect into the BFA, I feel the printed form of the newsletter is still very much alive and will continue to be so.

With Roger Blinko's expertise the Blencowes Down Under website has been launched as a show case of our southern hemisphere family history. There were initial problems for members trying to sign into the secure areas of the site but these have been fixed. In time our northern hemisphere members will receive invitations to log in.

Anne Burton
August 2012
editor @ blencowefamilies.com