Blencowes & Everards were citizens of Kings Lynn.
The combination of these two families has been well covered in previous newsletters. (Including December 2005) These findings show a bit of a contest between father and son of the same name.
In 1794, Elizabeth Prescott Blencowe and James Everard were married at Lowestoft. In 1803 they became Lords of the Lowick Manor and remaining so until their deaths in 1846.
Elizabeth's brothers, Henry Prescott Blencowe married Rebecca the daughter of Edward Everad Snr. John Prescott Blencowe married Rebecca's youngest sister, Pleasance. Henry became head of the Thoby Priory branch of the family and it was he who sold Blencow Hall to the Duke of Norfolk in 1802.
Town Hall Record Books show a number of references to both Johns in volumes that cover 1786-184
How the system of selecting members for the council worked.
Prior to the 1835 reforms there were 13 Alderman (one of whom would serve as Mayor) and 18 common Councillors. The councillors would select one of their own to fill any vacancies among the Alderman. The Alderman would choose who filled any vacancies on the Common Council. Alderman and Councillors had to be freemen of Lynn and were elected for life but could resign,or be dismissed by the rest of the council.
Post 1835 reforms there were 6 Alderman, two representing each of the 3 wards in Lynn (North, Middle and South) and 18 councillors. They were elected by the Freeman of the Borough rather than selected. The Mayoralty could also be given to anyone on the Council rather than just an Alderman.
Hall Book 14 - KL/C 7/16:
21stJune 1822 John Prescott Blencowe Jr is made a Freeman of Lynn through gift.
29thAug. 1822 John Prescott Blencowe Jr chosen to join Common Council.

Mayor in 1825 John Junior
29thAug. 1825 Chosen to be Mayor of Kings Lynn.
29thAus.t 1826 His Mayoralty ends and thanks are given for his hard work.
28thDec. 1835 Following the 1835 Municipal Corporation reforms John Jr loses his seat as a common councillor. John Snr is returned as a councillor for the South Ward with 20 votes, the highest of any individual.
31stDec. 1835 John Snr is elected as an Alderman by the rest of the council.
9thNov. 1840 John Snr's final meeting he listed as an Alderman but not marked as present. At the next meeting when his successor was elected, it was mentioned that John Senior had died on November 9th and was buried 15thNov. 1840 in the Middleton cemetery rather than at Hardwick cemetery which had previously beensurmised.
3rdOct. 1842 John Prescott Blencowe (Jr) is elected as an Alderman.
Fran Blinco