Blencowe Families’ Association Newsletter251-04 Vol. 25 No. 1 February 2010

Blencowe Families' Association
25 years old in October

The Blincoe Families Association grew from a desire of Helen Blincoe Simpson and her brother, Edward Irvine Blincoe to find some of their cousins. In October, 1985, 203 introductory letters were mailed to these contacts asking for information on their families.

The first gathering was held in October 1987 at Manassas, VA where a decision was made to meet biannually. We had grown to 140 members from eight countries by 1989.

For the full history written by Helen refer to Volume 21 Number 3 November 2006

Sadly we will not celebrate this anniversary with Helen in Blencow.

Jack Blencowe, Oxford

updated: 2 April 2010