An In-depth study on the Blencowe & associated spellings participation in World War One
Roger Blinko is about to make his research into our family in WW1 available on the Internet on August 1st 2018. He says "I started this website in about 2012 with some preliminary research into individual Blencowe family members and their ancestors who served in the 'Great War' as a follow on to Anne Burton's first Roll of Honour."
"By 2016 a website was completed, documenting 318 plus Blencowe ancestors and at this point exhaustion with the subject research and other interests caused me to postpone the publishing of the information for general consumption."
"However the 100th anniversary of the end of the war in 2018 was incentive to get on with the publishing effort."
"This research, while it took a great deal of my own time, I would be remiss in not acknowledging the Blencowe Families Association and certain key individuals who helped in providing valuable information. Firstly, Anne Burton who was in constant touch over the years and who provided information and family linkages that were very helpful. Likewise Peter Blencowe generously provided both family photos, letters and a booklet he had written about his father for my use. Other family members provided information and they are mentioned in the pages and I thank them for their efforts to provide me with photos and family stories.
The website research was never completed for commercial gain but the website hosting and special features from Wordpress have annual fees associated with it.
I have set a fee of Australian Dollars $30.00 hoping this will make a contribution to these costs that is affordable.
The process to buy access is this: you will on visiting and get for free the first chapter which has an Introduction. On this first page you will see the Pay button. Click on Pay Pal Credit card logos and choose your preferred method for payment.
Roger Blinko,
Canada and Australia